Writing can be a lonely endeavor. That is why we writers tend to band together and stick together. We move in groups (or packs!), typically the quiet types that are active at night but the members of which look out for each other in ways our non-writing friends and family simply can’t. I have the privilege of being part of such a group, the very aptly named #WolfPackAuthors. You’ll be hearing a lot more about this fantastic group of authors in the future, but for now, just one very exciting announcement! The #WolfPackAuthors’ first short story anthology is about to hit the book-world and it is going to knock your socks off!

The anthology is a collection of stories from members of the #WolfPackAuthors and it is all about the majestic wolf. But this anthology is so much more than just a book about wolves. It is a labor of love. Not just the love of writing, but the love of real live wild wolves. That’s right! All the proceeds from the sales of “Once Upon A WolfPack” will go towards the rehabilitation and conservation of wolves. More specifically the wolves at Lockwood Animal Rescue Center in Los Angeles. But not only that, the Lockwood Animal Rescue Center also provides a sanctuary for others, such as the countless veterans who returned from the front struggling to find their place among society again. These veterans come to Lockwood ARC to feel the healing touch of wolves, even as these wolves need them to look out for their safety and future. It’s a perfect symbiosis!
Learn more about Lockwood Animal Rescue here.
Check out the individual members of the #WolfPackAuthors and their very awesome books at the brand new #WolfPackAuthors section of this page. The #WolfPackAuthors truly have something for every reader!
And finally, watch this space for pre-order details and an exclusive excerpt from my latest short story, The Soap Maker’s Mother, which has been included in the anthology!
Support the #WolfPackAuthors and you support animal welfare!